Become An AWS Solutions Architect

This Fast Track to AWS Solutions Architect Bootcamp by Cloud With Raj is an innovative and first of it's kind program designed to help you land a Solutions Architect job with no coding required! Previous bootcampers have secured SA jobs with significant salary hikes.

Enrollment for the current cohort has been closed. Please leave your email to be notified when the next cohort opens. Because this program includes direct support from Raj, spots are limited.

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    Meet your mentor Rajdeep Saha

    • L7 Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, based out of New York City

    • Switched career from legacy tech to AWS

    • Trained hundreds of students to get AWS Solutions Architect jobs

    • Designed many mission-critical applications

    • Presented at biggest stages - AWS Re:Invent, AWS Summit, Kubecon

    • Awarded “Top Systems Design Voice” by LinkedIn

    • Authored multiple bestselling courses

    • Creator of YouTube channel “Cloud With Raj” with over 104,000 subscribers

    • Over 250,000+ students across the globe, including FAANG companies

      All opinions are Rajdeep’s own

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